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Our terminals industry developments

  In recent years, along with the high-tech electronic products, miniaturization, high-performance trend of development, people demand more and more terminals, mold enterprises are facing more and more challenges and technical requirements. Terminal manufacturing requirements focused on:

  First, to improve the level of mold design requirements, due to terminal design different shapes which is different from how the rational design is very important, if the structure is irrational will cause product failure;

  Second, high-precision equipment, terminal equipment requiring high precision machining, precision equipment abroad can reach ± 0.002mm, and general domestic equipment can only achieve ± 0.01mm;

  Third, high quality processing technology foundation. Connector mold needs a good design, perfect equipment, process combination of the three. At the same time this higher equipment requirements, technical barriers is relatively high, Guosheng use of advanced CNC surface grinding, automatic optical curve grinding, wire cutting, machining centers and other equipment, production.

  In China, sales terminals industry has been in the range of low-end market, and occupy a higher market share. As users continue to demand for video products, many manufacturers to gradually enter the high-end market, the same time, the price war is also engaged in vigorous. Given the strong labor resources, China has always maintained a high revenue model, the required terminal industry products on the market can buy into, the mainstream product line includes a rail terminal blocks, PCB terminals and so on.