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Future trends Connector

  Connector future trends tend: intelligence, miniaturization and high-speed mobile development direction. In this process for innovation and technology development capabilities we have put forward certain requirements. Future trends in the overall development of the connector is how it?

  Intelligent trends. Today is a world of rapid development of information, whether it is directed to what information or technology, people are increasingly high requirements. Intelligent development is an inevitable trend of development, as it will allow the connector to be more intelligent grasp the usage of electronic devices, as well as to enhance the performance of the connector itself. The development of miniaturized connectors. Among the lives of our products are the same as with any hope that this product can be small and convenient, because we think that this product will be able to better use, its performance may be better in the subjective consciousness. Therefore, under such a social environment trends, the development of miniaturized connector will also be an inevitable trend.

  High-frequency, high-speed transmission. Connector component parts belonging to the electronic device, that is necessary to make it a major product is the normal use: the current. If the connection is not good enough for the current adaptability, the use of electronic equipment will be subject to certain restrictions. In addition, if the current transmission is usually not enough, then a direct impact on the use of electronic devices is speed. Therefore, in the future development trend of high-frequency current connector which, as well as high speed performance will be a major project connected with the development of.